Non Sticky Dazzle Tint

Vendor: Unleashia
Availability: In Stock
Product Type: Lip Care
Description: Unleashia's Non Sticky Dazzle Tint offers a dewy, glossy finish with a lightweight texture that glides effortlessly onto your lips for a luscious look. This vegan lip tint is formulated with finely milled diamond and sapphire glitters that shine...
£8.96 GBP
£8.96 GBP
£8.96 GBP
Shade: N°1 Blink
Subtotal: £8.96
Non Sticky Dazzle Tint

Non Sticky Dazzle Tint

£8.96 £8.96

Non Sticky Dazzle Tint

£8.96 £8.96
Shade: N°1 Blink